Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Starting Line

Nothing is wrong.
Nothing is here.
Nothing is okay.

Nothing is wrong.
There is just a constant battle,
A constant war with myself.

It's exhausting.

It makes everything seem so much more than what it will ever be.
Or really, what it actually is.

I hurt too much when people leave.
I think too much to try and sleep.

I give up trying when coping with myself is unbearable.

I dont seek help because I dont want it.

I want the ability to do things on my own.
Even though I seem unable to.

I need help, I need an escape.
I need to be guided.

But I just sit here, watching
My life pass me by.

Because Ive lost the starting line.


rivercat said...

Maybe to lose the starting line is the starting line. I know that sounds rediculous but isn't it on some level all a little crazy?

Brittany said...

Good point, Thanks for the thought. :)

the truth about freedom

The space between inhale and exhale the space between stars fill up with air, and collapse into dust I walk a sunlit path and breath...