Monday, September 12, 2011

The Ego Critic

She tries to take off,
Off the ground and bound to the sky.

Her feet are stuck in ground she cannot break.

Inability to cut her own rope.
Build a noose, that cant get loose.

Her demons fight her, hold her, trap her.
A plant dying for water that won't fall from the sky.

And reality reminds her dreams to go away.
She can't come back to life.


Beyond said...

their have been hard struggles and huge disappointments but one day the one who has lost all hopes, gets back to life... the only thing to be done is not to give up on hopes

Susan said...

your blog makes me sad, but your writing is beautiful xo

Brittany said...

I find beauty in the broken, in being broken.

Thank you.

the truth about freedom

The space between inhale and exhale the space between stars fill up with air, and collapse into dust I walk a sunlit path and breath...