Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I just don't want to think
About you anymore.

Your like ice in my brains.

My thoughts are a constant storm,
But I can't feel a thing.

There is no stop.
Cause soon the sun will rise


Unknown said...

i'v been away for a while.

n i came back n read each n everything that i missed.

n asked myself, why did i.

Brittany said...

You asked yourself why you read my posts??
Ouch. Sorry to make you feel like you wasted your time...

Unknown said...

ok dont take me wrong. i totally did not mean that.
i'll complete the sentence ..
what i meant was,

I came back n read each n everything i missed. n asked myself y did i not read them for so long.i'm so sorry if i wasnt clear. i love your poems!

Brittany said...

Oh? Hahaha. I was confused there for a bit.

Thank you for catching up.


the truth about freedom

The space between inhale and exhale the space between stars fill up with air, and collapse into dust I walk a sunlit path and breath...