There are different types of love. I feel them all differently, and would describe them all differently. There is love that you feel with family, there is love that you feel with friends, there is love that you feel for yourself, and there is love that you can feel for another, who may or may not love you in return.
Although if you are asking me in general what love means to me I would say that it is everything that holds me together. I feel that love is everything that we are surrounded by. Love means everything. Love is unconditional. Love is just, love.
Now if you were asking me specifically what love is or what it means to me toward another person, someone intimate, then I would have a totally different answer than the love I carry or feel for family or for myself. Have you ever been in love? Do you know what it feels like to have feelings so strong for someone you would do anything for them.? Do you know what it feels like to have your heart broken, and all that you feel is pain, and agony? That helpless feeling that no one can get you out of but yourself. Have you ever silently cried yourself to sleep night after night for years over a person and they have no idea how you feel about them? Have you ever had your love rejected? I have. I can answer yes to all of the questions I have asked. So, I can tell you what love means to me.
For a long time I debated whether or not it was love that I felt. If I was in love, or just seriously infatued, or both? But I look back and I know in my heart that I loved him with every part of me. When your in love you cant describe it, when your in love, your certain. I had a friend that asked me “But how do you know if your in love?” and my response repeatedly was “You just..know.”
Now im not going to write down my sob story to you but I will simply answer the question your asking several people. To me, love is when you love someone more than you love yourself. Love is when you'd give anything and everything to be with that person. When you'd die for that person, if they're life depended on it. Love is when you know and love everything you know about the person, and they make you a better person because they bring out the best in you. Love is when you want to know every song they listen to and sing along with them, love is when you want to share your life with a person. When you want to be apart of that person's life and no one else's. When you can't see anybody else because no one can compare. When your heart is aching just to speak or see them again. When you cant let go because it hurts. When you look at them and it makes your day. When you know they're the only person in the world who can make you feel okay. When this person is all you think about and the reason you cant sleep at night. When nothing else in the world matters because you have them with you, by your side.
Love can be brutal. Love can hurt or even kill a person. Love can not only tear someone apart, but also heal them. Love can make everything look and be twice as better than it actually is or once was. When everything seems black and white, love gives it colour and light. When everyday you had a reason to cry, love then gives you a reason to smile. When you feel safe, when you feel at home when your with them, together.
I know that love can be both beautiful, and brutal. I have only experienced one side of it. I have only experienced the love that I never got to feel in return. I only got to feel the pain that comes when it's over. I only got to feel lust, want and need. Lonely, hurt, broken and lost. On a postive note, I have yet to experience being loved in return. Loving someone and being loved back, being with someone, being a part of them. That is love. Sharing your happiness as well as sorrows and supporting every decision the person makes, love is endless, love is undefineable. It is only what you feel and there is so much that it cannot be put into words. It is seen in so many different ways. And some people have been hurt so bad, that they dont even see love, at all. But deep down I think they hope to love again, to feel again what was once lost or broken. Love will find it. Unlike fate, I believe in love. I have once denied it but now understant its truth, its existence. Although other things in life may fail or go wrong, love never will. Love wins.
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